Little Things Mean A Lot
Because we work with seniors or others who may be nearing the end of their life, we will experience loss. I have written about this before, but felt the need to travel this road again because of events in recent days.
Monday as I was leaving the senior community, three of the kitchen employees passed me and mentioned that a resident we all felt very dear to us was in hospice care and not expected to make it through the night. I was on my way to my other client but knew I needed to stop in and see her before I left as tomorrow would be to late. As I entered her apartment I was greeted by her family, all there to be with her at the end.
They did not know me, but all expressed their gratitude that I stopped in to see mom. Although she could not talk, she smiled as I entered the room. I took her hand and told her how much I cared for her and would never forget the moments we shared. I knew she would be gone by morning, but held back the tears. I let her know although she would be missed greatly, it was OK to go. She smiled and nodded.

When I came in Tuesday sure enough she had passed. I was so happy that I took the time, however brief, to say goodbye yesterday for as I feared today would have been to late.
When a loved one is dying the family goes through a wide range of emotions. We as caregivers and friends can do much to relieve some of the stress even for a moment by stopping by to share a hug, a story or just a smile. Don't be afraid of the dying or their families, we all have or will be there ourselves one day.
Take Care,
Ruth Anne